Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Meet Miss K! She is so adorable! Man I just LOVE having newborns in the studio!!! We had the privilege of shooting her mommy and daddy's wedding last year & now had the honor of doing her newborn session! It was so awesome to see you guys again... Thanks for coming out! Enjoy your sneak peek! :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

We've adjusted our pricing structure to better serve YOU! So, we've talked to a lot of you guys and decided that we'd change things up a bit to make things more convenient for you all. I really hope you all agree that it's an awesome change! Thanks to all those who have given feedback when we've asked and a HUGE thank you to all of you who share us with your friends and's a blessing to serve you all! Our summer is moving along fast so call today to schedule your session before our summer spots are all filled. Also, a couple things to keep your eye on: I want to make sure you all don't miss out on the Senior Rep Program we have going right now... check out the post below this one for details & I will be announcing our search for a Wedding Rep...that's right, we'll be offering some HUGE (and I do mean GIGANTIC) deals for one lucky bride and groom...stay tuned for more details coming soon! Well, I'm off to rest up for a long weekend of birthday & slumber parties for one of our precious girls (she's turning 5 tomorrow)! Hope you all have a great weekend! :D

Announcing our new SENIOR REP PROGRAM!!! :D Also, keep watching...we have even more exciting things coming soon & we are soon updating our package layout to make your experience with us even more enjoyable!